Kelly Harrison
Realtor Mobile: Office: 901-848-1680Kelly Harrison is a bold but compassionate agent known for her devotion to her clients needs. Cherokee Village is not only her home, but where she spends time volunteering in community based projects like the Arkansas Pie Festival, The Spring River Farmer's Market, or holding a position on the Planning & Zoning Commission. Kelly is deeply committed to working and investing in the community she loves.
When she is not busy assisting clients or contributing to her community, Kelly enjoys fishing, lounging with her pup and playing in the South Fork River with family. Family time is what recharges her and keeps her ready to take on the next project.
What drives Kelly in her career in real estate is the excitement of seeing her buyer's finding just the right property and the joy of making the selling process easier for her sellers. Her background and dedication in client services has been the channel that has helped many clients through times when dealing with big life changes such as real estate ventures.
Reach out to Kelly today and start your next journey!